To the disruptive and innovative solution.
The patented modular UHCS design, established with only 5 main extruded profiles and their dedicated fasteners that assemble easily into a standard UHCS system for housing and/or into a light UHCS system usable for all sorts of lighter fixtures and one floor constructions.
It’s about the art of omitting and about extending
the value of our products.In the UHCS construction modules
we use as many materials as possible that are already in the cycle
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a synthetic material be-longing to the polyester family.It is obtained from crude oil, natural gas or bio-vegetal raw materials.PET is 100% recyclable and in principle dose not lose its fundamental characteristics as it can be now eternally regenerated and can therefore be reused many times over to produce higher quality products.We have chosen it as our basic material for its mechanical and structural properties, and its high recyclability.
The making of a new necessities with recycled PET saves up to 50% of the energy required for primary PET production. R- PET can now eternally continue to serve mankind’s basic needs: food & beverage, water distribution, clothing, medical hygiene (proven effect against malaria), sanitation, furniture, and now not the least: housing thanks to the UHCS solution. Thus, all with a very reduced impact on nature when not misplaced!
In 2020, the global demand for PET was 27 million metric tons. By 2030, global demand for PET is expected to be 42 million metric tons.To date, less than 10% of its annual production is recycled compared to 83% recycled in Switzerland.We will certainly not lack raw materials.
Poles, beams, fasteners and wall panels are produced in a local factory or sourced from our strategic partners
Let us design your next-generation modular home
All elements are shipped to your site, where foundations and utility systems are ready in advance. The structure, roof, walls and systems are completed, shell-and-core for you to further customize the home of your dreams.
Initial design and assembly instructions plan for disassembly, dismantling and further recycling or re-using of your UHCS modular home.
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